Lower back pain a symptom has manifested every once life. Like medical statistics, throughout his life, the sensation of pain in this area exhibited approximately 80% of residents of European countries. At the same time, doctors and the alarm starts to sound was a symptom such as "young". You have previously had lower back pain, right or left, give or not to give it to you, catch up, only the old people was to protect, now middle-aged, its primary symptoms – 35 to 45 years. Teens often have even identify her. This is what it says, what leads to the question, sore waist, are the people that everyone should know the answer because it is such a pain no one is safe.

In fact, the advancement of the cause of such a pathological situation quite a lot. Often low back pain concomitant pain syndrome in the lumbar region, sciatica, lumbago, lumbosacral pathology is different. It is important to understand if the resulting symptom that cannot be ignored in no way. Of course, his reasons may have physiological reasons for this, such as increased physical stress or hypothermia. But at the same time that progress in this area of pain syndrome may be a first sign of serious pathologies in the human body. Important right now go a phlebotomist, you will be able to install it the real reason of such a situation and prescribe the right treatment.
Depending on their localization:
- local. In this case, the pain syndrome is manifested in a certain place in the lumbar region. In some cases, a painful keep pace. That presents itself often pain in the back below the waist;
- generalized. In this case, encompasses not only the pain syndrome in the lumbar region, back all at the same time.
Duration according to pain syndrome include:
- recurrent pain;
- constantly.
Recurrent pain
This symptom have the name, he disappears, after the pain of the heart is adjusted, and the man recovers completely. The most common this kind of feelings emerging unnormalized physical activity or physiological characteristics of the human body. But often the pathology of the internal organs into the cause of acute recurrent pain is a character. It should be noted that this disease causes pain in the vital organs, may be of two kinds:
- emitted;
- the reflected.
Constant pain
Typically, causes, symptoms, types of pain are:
- inflammation, bone and cartilage structures;
- the process of dystrophy and destruction of bone and cartilage;
- disorders, circulatory, blood vessels, feet.
Why is it always less frequently in the lumbar region pain, defeat, Nov structures or internal organs. Progression-related pathologic pain syndrome because it is almost impossible to focus if you talk to this type of mechanism is eliminated dystrophy, bone and cartilage has already been started. Here's the whole point, what in medicine, now, almost completely eliminated the Dystrophic or degenerative process in the human body it could mean anything.
The underlying causes, symptoms, persistent pain:
- defeat the lumbar vertebra nerve fibers;
- defeat the the nerve nodule localized in the sacral region of the vertebral column in the area both L.
In the course of the disease, which with the advent of continuous lumbar pain:
- low back pain;
- intervertebral osteochondrosis;
- sciatica;
- herniated disc;
- scoliosis;
- lumbar sciatica pain often returns, legs);
- thrombophlebitis. A characteristic feature — the strong pain, which is the affected leg. A strong inflammation around the damaged blood vessel at the same time common;
- 3 or 4 degrees of atherosclerosis;
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- ankylosing spondylitis;
- spondylosis;
- osteoporosis;
- different foot lengths.
Pain syndrome in women

Often the question is, why a sore waist, the beautiful half of humanity representatives frequently asked. Right or left lower back pain that may be one of the first signs of the advancement of dangerous diseases.
Causes, symptoms, the right and left lower back pain women:
- adnexitis. Localized pain mostly in the lower abdomen, also often to the waist, even at Foot;
- ovarian cyst torsion;
- peak;
- pregnancy.
Pain, discomfort, back pain, in men
Representatives of the stronger sex often manifest lower back pain to the right or left, because of the way their professional activities. But at the same time they signal the progression and pathologies related to the following:
- prostatitis;
- epididymitis. The localization of the main space, pain, inguinal region. He can give but at the same time with waist and leg.
Pain common causes
Right or left lower back pain due to the progression of the manifested pathology, digestive system, kidney problems, infectious nature of the vital organs. Also this may be a sign that growth may be a symptom of a cancerous tumor or a surgical complication as a result of metabolic disorders.
The causes of low back pain on the left and right side could be:
- appendicitis. In this case the right iliac area pain localization is an important point, but they can give the waist. Markedly lower back pain is generally right;
- cholecystitis. Is more common pain, it radiates in the right upper quadrant and lower back. Right lower back pain is a manifestation observed (localization affected gallbladder);
- pancreatitis;
- adhesions after surgery;
- pathology of the kidney. In this case, a nagging back pain and how acute. Depending on which of the kidney, the pathological process will show you will be exposed to low back pain, right or left. Accompanied by painful sensations pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, nephrosclerosis, and more. Acute back pain often switches to a holding that is generated when the detected urinary tract;
- 4 degrees of obesity. Aching low back pain, visible in this field as a result of the increased load;
- myositis. A strong dress warmly and to stay dry pathologies such as sudden back pain often arise;
- is experiencing infectious processes of bone. This situation is typical of acute low back pain;
- tumor. The sensation of pain may not be in the first period. A cancerous tumor will manifest in the development stage 3-4 acute low back pain.
Therapeutic activities
Often patients I don't care, just a question, why a sore waist, about them but also I'm curious, what in a situation like this? The steps of the algorithm may vary depending on a known cause, pain or not.
The patient, if not, what triggered it, acute back pain, first you need to do this to measure the body temperature. If he advanced, i.e., a high probability of the sensation of pain infectious or inflammatory processes provoke progress. It is recommended not to do something yourself – this is better immediately to a doctor or emergency medical facility and diagnostic advisory.
If chest pain, sprains, or injury Nov fibers, in such a case to start, you should do the following:
- acceptance and anti-inflammatory tool. This measure help to reduce the intensity and pain syndrome treatment relieve inflammation;
- your own an acceptable treatment for diuretic;
- fixation through bone and Nov waist a towel.

- if a place that has a systematic manifestation of low back pain, to get relief from the constant pain of Keeping Up with another and this process is not recommended. The main symptom of the problem (pain), then hinder the diagnostic process;
- heating as a method of treatment is not essential. Sure many people a hot shot on the ground, then the pain is reduced. Not so;
- treatment therapist a no go right now, if the violated provision of the vertebrae. A result of these changes dystrophic processes therefore no treatment measures are unavailable by this time have passed, and for a full examination of the body.
Treatment of pain in the lumbar region a doctor who is a neurologist. The treatment plan is developed, depending on what triggered the manifestation is pain. Techniques such as conservative and surgical. Conservative treatment methods are usually the first doctors you resort to a solution, and not only because of surgical intervention to remedy the inefficiency.
These types of drugs imported drug therapy that may be related to:
- antibiotics;
- anti-inflammatory;
- glucocorticoids;
- diuretics;
- antispazmodik;
- probiotics, and more.